Glad we got that narrowed down

And it's a hed you can use every month or so with little if any modification. Might snow! Then again, might not.
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Thorts and comments about editing and the deskly arts
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Nor do we describe our enemy as “jihadists” or “Islamists” because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenant* of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community, and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children.If you got to the undergraduate-level class where you learned stuff like the assorted meanings of "jihad," you probably also passed through the stage in eighth grade or whenever at which you can puzzle out the implications of "I won't call you an X, because X is good and you're no good." He isn't saying that blowing civilians up is legitimate; he's saying the new policy isn't going to call it "jihad," precisely because it isn't legitimate.
The president’s national security strategy also outlines how we will strengthen other tools of American power which will help us meet many challenges. This includes addressing the political, economic and social forces that can make some people fall victim to the cancer of violent extremism.In other words (oh, stop the press), people might be more likely to fall victim to the arguments of political violence when those arguments are enabled by political, economic or social conditions. That's almost as profound as noting that water goes downhill -- though understanding that water goes downhill is a pretty good first step if you want to figure out what it's going to do next.
Nor does President Obama see this challenge as a fight against "jihadists." Describing terrorists in this way—using a legitimate term, "jihad," meaning to purify oneself or to wage a holy struggle for a moral goal—risks giving these murderers the religious legitimacy they desperately seek but in no way deserve. Worse, it risks reinforcing the idea that the United States is somehow at war with Islam itself.Indeed, you can start to wonder if the chorus of people who think this administration is incapable of saying the word "terrorist" are deeply dishonest or just deeply illiterate. Brennan certainly isn't shy about pushing the sorts of buttons that Fox likes to push:
That is because "terrorism" is but a tactic—a means to an end, which in al Qaeda’s case is global domination by an Islamic caliphate.Long story short, there's nothing of substance for Fox to complain about. But if you look at the last two grafs of the story, you get an idea of the context in which you're supposed to understand it.
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Labels: fox
Labels: AP, cliches, statistics
Labels: corrections
The window-sticker mileage figures are a guarantee of the mileage you'll getWhat I'd like out of a writer who covers the industry? A little basic curiosity -- enough to ask about what the "lab tests" entail, and what the results look like, and their relationship to the number I see in the showroom. In other words, some reporting that not only helps you relate the test conditions to real life (validity) but hints at the relationship of the sample statistics to real life (reliability). There should be an equivalent of the much-abused "margin of error" here. What is it, and why isn't it a part of reporting about fuel economy?
Not even close. How you drive has a massive impact on your mileage. However, the window-sticker figures are the only way to realistically compare fuel economy and operating costs when you shop for a new vehicle.
The numbers are generated in lab tests, so every vehicle is held to the same standard. "Your mileage will vary" as the fine print says, but you can trust that a higher EPA rating will save you money.
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Labels: corrections, NYT
The president in February, as the health care debate was in a crescendo, urged Democratic senators to "turn off" their televisions. He singled out CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and blogs, urging lawmakers to get out of the "echo chamber." That was after the administration spent several weeks in the fall criticizing Fox News.
Last September, the president also used a string of major network and cable interviews to scold the media for playing up "outrageous" political comments.
Another odd moment came in March, when an e-mail sent to Senate staffers warned them not to visit The Drudge Report out of concern for a virus. At the time, Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., alleged that "somebody" was intentionally trying to "discourage" people from visiting the Web site, which is highly influential in shaping daily news coverage.
Interesting. Most people count the Senate as part of the "legislative" branch, rather than as part of the administration. Even more interesting -- OK, my office computer caught a really nasty virus in March, and the nice IT folks who spent a day cleaning it mentioned that evildoers are getting really good at sneaking their output into parts of legitimate sites. Having kept up with Inhofe's dark mutterings, I asked if the poor computer could have been bitten at the Drudge site. They said, more or less: Can't tell, wouldn't rule it out. So I've taken that bit of free-speech paranoia in a slightly more nuanced context since then.
Free-speech paranoia, after all, is the point of today's little exercise. This clause isn't a top story on the third day because it's the moral equivalent of "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." It's there because if you have nothing to fear, you aren't trying hard enough:
Hitler controlled the news...Why not Obama? Is Obama's copy of Mein Kampf signed by the author?
Perhaps it is getting uncomfortable for Obama to constantly be caught in his lies by an informed America??? Is that why he stopped doing real press conferences or town halls?
What Osamabama meant by "information is a distraction" is that any information that does not come from their approved lamestream media zombies is a distraction to the lies he tells trying to transform America into just another weak European-style welfare state.
Of course he is afraid of knowledge and information because that is the same thing that Hitler tried to pull. Hitler would be proud of obama because surpressing knowlege and information keeps the liberals in power.
Great week to start teaching journalism history, isn't it? Did I tell you I love my job?
Labels: fox
Labels: corrections, NYT
Labels: fox, securitization