Wednesday, October 02, 2019

None dare call it a party

So if you'd been hearing today that no American has been convicted of treason since the 1940s, you might have found yourself what "aid and comfort" looked like in the good old days. Well, apparently sort of like giving a party for an escaped Luftwaffe aviator who had made his way south from captivity near Toronto convinced he could expect a kind reception in Motown. The clever paint job -- "German" in "German restaurant" was painted over sometime after Pearl Harbor, per the cutline -- apparently didn't throw the law off track.

Below is the front after FDR commuted restaurateur Max Stephan's death sentence. The secondary stories are almost as interesting as the leads: above, a Mystery Death as Fr. Coughlin's weekly fishwrap was being investigated; below, a follow on the 1943 Detroit riots.

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