Sunday, June 02, 2013

Today in journalism, 1943: Battle stations

Remember, kids, those vital war calls won't go through if you're yapping away on the long-distance lines! Bell of Canada offers these handy tips:
  • Place Long Distance calls only when absolutely necessary ... especially to busy war centres.
  • Plan your conversation ahead of time -- keep it as brief as you can.
  • When possible, give the operator the out-of-town number you are calling.
  • Avoid Long Distance talks during the busy hours shown in the diagram.
Why tell people not to use so much of your product? Here's what looks like a house ad from later in the week (from the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association), under the hed "Markets of 1945 are being lost and found--NOW!":

LOST: Valuable markets by manufacturers who saw no reason to advertise in 1942 when they had no difficulty to sell their entire output. Consequently, consumers forgot their brands and ceased to ask for them by name.
FOUND: Valuable markets by manuacturers who realized the necessity to maintain the identity of their name and brands under all conditions and at all times, by the constant use of daily newspaper advertising.

Use those comments, gang, but keep it short.

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