Metastatic hed fail
Would anybody like to come up with a level on which this hed works? Or, if that's out of the question, take on the simpler but time-consuming task of listing the ways in which it doesn't?
If you want, just provide your first reading of the hed.
If you want, just provide your first reading of the hed.
Crikey - to the extent that I understood it at all, I thought he was changing his name to '.Com .Bomb'.
I got the "bomb" part, but I thought he was changing his name to ".com dot"
I got it, the name change, but I have no idea what "dot bomb" is supposed to mean.
ps - how is 34 a "word"
I thought this kind of thing - the joke in the hed and the subject matter - went out with Flooz and Kozmo.
That said, the headline's actually perfect. It lets me know that the article is something I can safely skip over.
On first reading, I read "change" as the verb, and then I got completely lost and had to read it again. Then the . for ".com" but the "dot" for "dot bomb" threw me. Please send me an aspirin.
Oooh, yeah: .bomb would have been much funnier.
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