Thursday, December 28, 2006

Non sequitur of the (rapidly dwindling) year

As a Midwesterner, the long-time congressman from Grand Rapids, Mich., most definitely was not Richard Nixon, the president he replaced on Aug. 9, 1974.

No, he wasn't. What his Midwestitude had to do with that condition is, erm, open to debate. No, that's not true. It's not open to debate at all. Those two concepts aren't apples and oranges, they're apples and light opera. Stop it.

This having appeared in the previous day's editorial about James Brown ("a South Carolinian who grew up in poverty"):

His high-energy on-stage performances informed the work of new generations of performers: Michael Jackson, Mike Jagger, Prince and scores of others.

... a few suggestions seem in order:
1) Bag the road atlas
2) Hire a copyed for the editorial page
3) Pay attention when (2) starts hitting him/herself upside the head with a brick


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