Hed of the (still-young) day
President of Paris addresses riots (3A Friday)
That country is called "France." Please make a note of it.
That country is called "France." Please make a note of it.
Thorts and comments about editing and the deskly arts
That CITY is called Paris. The top officials who preside over councils and institutions are often entitled in Romance languages as "presidents."
Art. 2.- A la première réunion du conseil de Paris, siégeant en formation de Conseil général, le maire de Paris, président de droit, est assisté du plus jeune membre de l'assemblée, en qualité de secrétaire provisoire.
Le président invite l'assemblée à procéder à l'élection de son bureau.
The president in the text was Chirac; he doesn't have to be mayor of pah-REE too, does he?
As the French say, you have raisins.
I couldn't find the headline you described, looked at the French press and found some comments by the mayor (le president du conseil), and threw in the citation. My apology to you ...
I was sure it couldn't have been a reference to Jacques Chirac, because he'd already been involved, and thus THAT couldn't have been news.
I hate it when I'm guilty of what we accuse sloppy journalists for doing.
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