I say, Cuthbertson ...

One does hope the message is brought into the starkest relief by this examplar. There are no circumstances under which one may indulge the urge to seem playful by pretendin' to drop the G. It matters not whether one is talkin' about Duke or State or Clempson. One simply doesn't.
Really. If you've been wondering why we seem to get stuck with Dick Vitale for every game that reaches us up here in the expat community, it's probably divine retribution for clueless attempts to mark dialect -- whether you pretend it's yours or someone else's -- in heds. Just stop it. Now. And don't do it again.
Labels: heds
It matters not whether one is talkin' about Duke or State or Clempson.
If yer gonna put the excrescent p in Clemson, ya might as well write Dook while yer at it.
Well ... "Dook" would have really lowered the level of discourse, though, don't you think? Plus they might of sent the polo team after me.
Won't happen again. Were there a devil, it would have been he who made me do it.
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