As a rule, we don't offer too many sweeping statements about the general state of newspaper design, but: Dear friends at the Sun-Sentinel, are you publishing a newspaper or a coloring book? Just curious.
(Update: Had a look at the
home page, and there seems to be a third option: Comic book.)
No, really. Ideally, you want to come away from your daily media consumption routines at least a tad bit smarter than when you went in. But this particular set of de

sign choices seems to be actively subtracting from the sum of human knowledge -- actually sucking tiny bits of wisdom out of the atmos and sending them across the universe for safekeeping. Is there a lot of this going around?
Got to catch their eye, don't we?
(My use of "we" does not imply that I either am part of that paper's staff, like the design, or in fact even have ever seen it before.)
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